Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Create Page in OA Framework

Create Page in OA Framework

Create page Steps:

1)      Create the page as the normal way like create jws, jpr, bc4js, AM, page etc…. .
2)      EO should be mandatory to develop the create the page.
3)      Create the EO which table you want to insert the records through page.
4)      Create the BC4J for EO and develop the EO.
      Ex: xxaam.oracle.apps.po.autosearch.schema.server and xxxEO.
5)      Then create VO based on EO. Create new VO under particular(VO) BC4J, there you can         
       Shuffle the EO (which you created in 2nd step) into selected side
6)      Add above VO into AM.
7)      Then design the page for appropriate records insert into table and create two buttons for pressing in page.
8)      Then select AMimpl class file to develop the logic below.

public void CreateDept()
     DepartmentCreationVOImpl vo= getDepartmentCreationVO1();

     OADBTransaction Tr=getOADBTransaction();

        Row row1=vo.createRow();

       Number deptid=Tr.getSequenceValue("DEPT_DEPT_ID_SEQ");

//       vo.getCurrentRow().setAttribute("DeptId",deptid);

9)      Create Controller under pageLayouot region to handle the go button events and call the logic from AM. Follow logic below.
Process Request :

DeptAMImpl am=(DeptAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);

Process Form request:

If (pageContext.getParameter("Save")!=null)

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